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Acorns to Great Oaks
Affiliate Homeschool Academy Program

Our Purpose and Mission:
-Create an educational environment favorable for students to remain firmly rooted and built up in Christ. Colossians 2:6-7
-Provide a rigorous and wholesome academic curriculum with integrated Christian values to prepare students for post-secondary education, employment, civic involvement, and community services.
-Honor developmental needs for unstructured play/learning, time in nature, socialization, leadership, creativity, and personal accountability.
-Value each parent's right to be an involved and integral part of their child's education.
-Maintain a consistent community of encouragement and support.

Matthew 19:14
“Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

What We Offer:
The Acorns to Great Oaks’ affiliate academies utilizes a hybrid model overcoming many of the obstacles that keep modern day families from homeschooling. This model entails students splitting their time between the home and a more traditional learning environment. The learning pod will play a vital role in a family's homeschool experience by supplementing a generous portion of their child(ren)'s educational and social developmental needs. Having this support will relieve parents of much of the work and responsibility that comes naturally with traditional homeschooling, with the advantage of remaining an integral part of their child(ren)'s educational growth and success.
Instruction is led by parent instructors in a blended one room schoolhouse type setting, three days each week, with other parent volunteers present to help monitor independent practice and exploration. With the support of the instructor, volunteers will be optimally guided to ensure the best outcome for student potential. Students will be grouped by their ability rather than divided by age or grade, and a daily routine will be utilized and work to cover all core subjects strengthening the retention of knowledge and the critical thinking process. Lesson work, studies, and projects may be assigned for completion outside of instruction days to further lesson retention and mastery, in addition to providing structure to parent-led instruction outside of the learning pod.

Tuition and Fees:
Our goal is for each affiliate academy to be as affordable as possible for the homeschool families they serve. Though tuition and other costs may vary between locations, families should always expect to provide basic classroom supplies and any consumable curriculum materials that might be required for their child each school year.

One of the most beautiful things about this program is that we really are homeschooling TOGETHER! A huge part of our success has been the willingness of our families to get involved.
Though our requirements vary between locations, families enrolled in our program should be prepared to play a hands-on role inside and outside of our classrooms.

A2GO’s affiliate homeschool academy programs offer to supplement a valuable part of a child's homeschool education, provide a weekly record of student work, and offer basic family support; however, it is not our intention to completely replace the need for at-home instruction. It will remain the parents' sole responsibility to keep track of their child(ren)’s in-person work and utilize non-instructional days to fill in any gaps necessary to ensure their family is meeting all of Kentucky's homeschool requirements.